Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I had to give my statement to the insurance claims adjuster this morning, and she told me that jackass/dillhole/asshat/fucktard has an attorney and is claiming injury. According to said attorney, he has been in two prior injury-causing accidents and suffers from re-injury. Gasp! Choke! My suprise is rendering me speechless! Well, not really, as I knew the second he began to hassle me that he was going to try something like this. He had that opportunistic, swaggering air of the true born manipulator, the kind of person who takes everything as a personal insult, a chance to stick it to others, as they deserve it, him being the victim and all.

Well, he messed with the wrong girl. I am no meek shrinking simperer. I shall not allow my insurance rates to go up because of this amoral prat. Hmpf.


AAM said...

Perhaps asshat is a pre-exsisting condition. Your mom is going to be sooooo mad about this post.

shellswick said...

Are ya gonna pull a Mike Brady in the courtroom?!

AAM said...

ooooh, crop a book, cuz Thindy didn't thee the thmath -up!

AAM said...

ooops, thats DROP a book. sorry..uh thorry.

snusnu said...

Wasn't it ice cream?