Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Nothing like a good dose of public humiliation...

to cap a really fabulous day.

At rehearsal last night, a number of people were absent, and in a scene where I have to cross the stage with another chorus woman, stop in front of Macbeth, curtsy and exit, I had a new partner and was trying to walk her through the direction as it was timed to the music. Well, I crossed upstage of two of the principals instead of downstage as the principals were directly in my path, and to cross downstage would have meant going even farther downstage and then back upstage to exit, and there wasn't time. The director got very irritated. He came onto stage, telling everyone to stop as "these two don't know what they're doing," moved the principals upstage and took my arm and said, "And when you bow, don't stick your behind out," and proceeded to imitate me and make fun of how I bowed, which is how every opera singer bows. Well, the principals thought this was just hilarious, so the director kept going. And going. Making voices, faces, imitating my actions, all center stage with the principals laughing at me, not with me. I know the difference. I was the literal and figurative butt of their mockery. I finally just left the stage, angry and embarrassed.

I'm a smart girl. I can act, and follow direction. To get me to do what you want, all you need to do is tell me. Preferably in a more private setting, but if it has to be in public, don't make fun of my ass while doing it. Unfortunately, most of the people on stage had the maturity level of fourth graders, so any chance to mock a chubby girl was seized upon with glee. Ah, professionalism. There ain't nothing like it.


AAM said...


AAM said...

In the REAL world you are not "chubby" by the way. Just a point of fact.

shellswick said...

Lemme at em