As this will be the year of biggest change for us, I wouldn't be surprised if you did feel some kind of urge, maybe if only to flee from the stress of it all. We're going to get a baby, dude. I admit to feeling some apprehension about what a kid will mean for our own relationship, which has, up until now, been the sole most important thing in my life. Of course, the best hope is that this child will make our love all the stronger, and give us another outlet for our boundless affection for each other. That is my goal, and I know it's yours, as well. This life we've made together, this little middle-class menagerie, is what we want it to be, and I think that this child, this person we can raise amongst our varied creatures, will be pretty cool because of this interesting place we've made. I also think that, because we're older and have made it a point to embrace the things we love doing, we'll be able to provide this little chicken with some pretty fantastic experiences, whether attending the Track and Field Olympic Trials, traveling to all the Disney parks, seeing our beloved birds' cousins in the jungles of Panama, having clotted cream in Cornwall, seeing your mom sing opera or learning how to draw from your incredible artist dad. And don't forget learning how to knit. That will be of utmost importance.
And what family and friends we have around us, to give us the most encompassing love they have in their hearts. We have both sets of supportive and loving grandparents within driving distance, and one set has HORSES, which couldn't be niftier. And holy cow, can you imagine all of us in Disneyland, sharing that first experience together? I think I might just burst. What a gift it is to us, too, to have our child's aunts and uncle want to give our family the best love in their hearts, and share with us the three most perfect cousins our kid could have. How lucky our sprout will be to have the coolest kids in the world be in their own family. There's so much to look forward to.
Writing this all out is good therapy, and equally good practice. I never say enough of how being married to you has made my life exactly what I want it to be, and how grateful I am to you for building it with me. As I sit here on the couch, sneezing from cleaning the office last night, looking around at the house we've been working on over the years, I see that it's bigger than we thought, and it can hold whatever we bring to it. I can't wait to raise a child with you, and see some of the wonderfulness that is you in that child. You are the best husband, and you will be a extraordinary father.
I love you with all my heart.